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Endings and Beginnings

Tim Robinson • Jul 17, 2020


It's been a couple of weeks now since I left Heathrow Airport. Like many of us who left during the pandemic it was a surprise how quickly things can change. The endless streams of passengers through the airport's door just stopped. It's the same all over the world. One thing is clear, we are all dependent on each other if not emotionally then economically at least. We are linked. I quite like the idea that a small decision I make can have consequences and impact, both good and bad, both known and unknown. It's fascinating that the decisions of people that you have never even met, can have a lasting impact many years in the future.  The pandemic unexpectedly gave me the opportunity to make a decision to leave Heathrow.

Thank you
Like many people who worked at Heathrow I want to say that it was a great experience for me and good for me. I was a relatively young(ish) man when I started there in IT. My background is all aviation so after 8 years I moved into Airside Operations and in the last 4 years I was working on the SESAR Programme. During my handover preparation I had the pleasure of looking back over years of emails and remembering the individuals and projects that I was involved in. I'm proud of all the projects and all the teams that worked on those projects. My last few years in SESAR have really expanded my horizons. Most all I'm grateful for all the wonderful people I met and worked with and we had fun as well (most of the time). When I look at my list of friends now on social media many are from work, stretching back 20 years and are important people to me. Thank you.

Ending and Beginnings
 It was a sudden ending and I feel for all the people who have been impacted by the pandemic. For me it's also been a beginning of something new and the chance to start my own company and give that a go. I'm excited by the prospect. I will keep moving forward now and see where I land next and I hope to meet you on the way.

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