Slieveroe Aero
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Slieveroe to Farnborough

Tim Robinson • Jul 24, 2020


Coming up with a name for a company can be tricky, especially if you don’t want to be the same as everyone else. Slieveroe was the place where my mother was born and brought up in Ireland so in a very real sense it is also my origin as well. Slieveroe Aero has a nice ring to it, but more than that it’s about going back to the origin, the sponsoring thought, the very reason that we are doing something. You will at times hear me ask, what outcome do we want and what is the sponsoring thought. Do your actions and thoughts lead you to the desired outcome? 

This week I attended a number of online events and talks at virtual Farnborough. I picked events that were about sustainable aviation as well as others about the “new normal” and recovery from the Covid-19 crisis. These events keep me engaged in the aviation industry and were fascinating. It was exciting to hear about Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), hydrogen, hybrid electric, pure electric, new aircraft designs and flight operations with continuous climb and descent and target time of arrival. For the recovery it was interesting to hear about touchless travel journeys, face masks and hearing that the problem of gaining passenger confidence is the same world-wide. Both exciting times with all the innovation and scary times as the industry recovers. Sustainable aviation and Covid-19 recovery both need a new normal.

New normal – hope for the future
My father was born before the Wright brothers took-off. The progress from that moment to where we are now is truly staggering and one that gives me immense hope for the future. SAF is going to be a big help to aviation and the economy as green industries grow. I’d like to see hydrogen (the most abundant element in the universe) being developed not only to burn but also being used in fuel cells. This technology would be good to see in automotive transport too. Covid-19 has caused a massive upset and knocked us all off course. But it’s also a chance to reset, go back to the origin and start again. Scary, and at the same time massively exciting to me.

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